You'll dig Doug.
Big World Sound is Doug Paterson. Senior Audio Producer. But just because he runs the place doesn't mean he hides away in some office gazing at spreadsheets. This guy's hands-on. And he's awfully picky about what you'll hear here. He's always been that way.
Doug got the bug more than 25 years ago. Back then, he was a musician. But a feature film producer noticed his work. In fact he liked it so much, he prodded Doug into the field of sound design. After that, he asked Doug to do the mix on his film “I Am My Father”.
But Doug's more than a Board man, he listens. He communicates. That explains why Vancouver Film School snapped him up to take on a teaching role. After that, he teamed up with Gael MacLean at Rukkus House. Now, having gone full circle, he's back at Big World having picked up 25 years of ideas and experience along the way.
“Nobody Forgives Bad Sound.
That’s why I always use Big World Sound.”